Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Gotcha Media

This woman deserves to be fired. Barbara West, an anchor for WFTV in Orlando, Florida asked Joe Biden questions that might even have been too biased for FOX News. She is clearly not at all objective as she "interviews" (if it can even be called interviewing) the Democratic Vice Presidential Candidate.

Although, it should have been clear when her bio on the WFTV website highlights "From Washington, D.C. I covered the inauguration of President Bush and the impeachment of President Clinton." Her husband Wade West is a former Republican political strategist. So, perhaps we shouldn't be surprised by this complete lack of objectivity made even more absurd considering the obvious lack of real political knowledge by Ms. West as she attempts to embarass Joe Biden, but only suceeds in making herself look stupid.

To quote the great Dr. Middleton, "That's not news!" Where's Sarah Palin calling out the "Gotcha Media" now?

I am quite proud, however, of Joe Biden's answers. He did a good job against this attack.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008